Dr. Stan Levenson

News and Notes

Stan Levenson & Associates Available to Assist in Recruiting Staff for Your Development Office
Public school people are beginning to discover that Development Offices are profit centers at colleges, universities, and private schools. Why not the public schools? Because of the need to recruit the most qualified staff for your Development Office such as the Director of Development; the Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government Grants; the Director of Individual Giving; and Grant Writer(s), Stan Levenson & Associates has established a new division of personnel recruitment. This office will advertise, interview, and recommend staff to school districts around the country.
E-mail: [email protected]

Stan Levenson's Much Acclaimed Book, Big-Time Fundraising for Today's Schools, Corwin Press
is Available as an E-Book
If you haven't had an opportunity to purchase Stan's much acclaimed fundraising book,
you will be happy to know that it is also available as an e-book at this time.

   Email:  [email protected]


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